This page contains some notes I created during my work, which I thought might be interesting for other people as well.I take no responsibility for the correctness or completeness of the notes. In my professional career I work mainly on autonomous driving related projects. The focus of my work is on computer vision algorithms for human recognition and understanding. Main tasks include pedestrian detection, pose recognition, action recognition and human intention prediction. The approach of my work is strongly based on simulation data. Therefore I work with motion capture data (optical Vicon system and IMUs) and 3D human models (3D scanned or generated). Currently I generate simulation data via the Unity® game engine.
My email address: <firstname>@<firstname>
Open Source Acknowledgements
- Hugo - Licensed under the Apache Software License 2.0The static site generator used to create this website.
- Open Sans Font Family - Licensed under the Apache Software License 2.0The font used on this website.